Powerful Degreaser

GREASOL 11 is a pre-measured super concentrated degreaser ready to be mixed and used to clean. The next all-star in the CC Greasol family, GREASOL 11 is powerful and neutral pH, so it has a reduced environmental impact without compromising efficiency. GREASOL 11 emulsifies and removes petroleum grease, fats, oils and tar, making it excellent for greasy stovetops, automotive parts, soap scum and more. GREASOL 11 can even be used to degrease floors.

Read label and SDS before use.


GREASOL 11 comes in a 2 fl Oz (60 mL) CC pack.

To use for general degreasing, pour your CC Pack into a quart bottle, and then fill with water. Spray on any non-porous surface to be cleaned or degreased and wipe away. Some surfaces may require GREASOL 11 to sit for a few minutes before wiping away.

To degrease floors, one pack of GREASOL 11 can be added to a four gallon mop bucket and then filled with water. Remember to add the pack first, so that it will mix as the water is added! Once mixed, it can be used as a mopping solution for any greasy or sticky floors.

GREASOL 11 has a Lemon Scent.

Also available in gallon concentrate.